Login Instructions 
It is working fine, but a few things are  weird.

Essentially, you need to log into the 2 parts of the site, 1 time - and then you should be fine.

Essentially, you need to log into the 2 parts of the site, 1 time - and then you should be fine.

From the top Navigation Bar >
1. click the "WP Log-in" first,... LINK IS HERE
2. Then the "Login" link after the blank page is served.
3. Then go through the new Log-in screen. (See the diagram below).

Actually it is really not that different than logging on to your computer, then logging into a website or something, except it is pretty seamless, and uses the same data.
You will see what to do if you hit a little snag (just go through the WP Login link again) and how to make sure your courses load.

Basically, you only need to go through this once, then it will be set-up.
All integrated functionality will only get better from here and one day you will see it will all be back to normal, but with a better interface and speed.

Also, some of the video sizes in the courses have been minimized. I am working on that, as well as all of the little issues you will see.
